Category: Meals on Wheels
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Babies & Kids
In Idaho — as in any other state — parents need the resources to provide their children with food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, and education. However, for many families, these necessities may not be easy to access. For this reason, we’ve collected some of the best resources to help Idaho families get assistance for babies & kids. While the Idaho Child Care Program (ICCP) can provide many families with assistance, you may require help that is more tailored to your needs. Additionally, you may find that there are more useful programs for the region or county in which you live. So, check out one of the links below to learn more about the programs designed specifically for infants, toddlers, children, and teenagers in Idaho!
There are plenty of government benefits programs in Idaho — the key is finding what kind of benefits apply to you! Whether you’re nearing retirement and need Medicaid or you’re looking for additional assistance with your grocery bills, the state of Idaho has programs to help out. However, many Idaho benefits programs target specific counties and regions, so your location is an important factor. If you’d like to learn more about applying for financial or emergency benefits in your area, check out one of the links below!
Whether you have young children in need of schooling or you’re preparing to enter a trade program in Idaho, you’ll need access to the right educational resources. Thankfully, there are dozens of programs for Idaho citizens to gain access to reduced and low-cost educational resources. This way, you don’t have to feel limited if you don’t have the cash on hand to pay for your education. For example, Advocates For Inclusion (AFI) is an Idaho program specifically designed for the developmentally disabled. AFI helps children and adults gain access to basic educational resources by partnering with schools and private educational services throughout the state. There are various AFI locations throughout Idaho, making it easier than ever to get the education you (or your children) need. If you’d like to learn more about accessing education funding and resources in Idaho, be sure to check out one of the links below!
Emergency Services
Whether you need quick medical treatment or assistance in the event of a flood, fire, or natural disaster, there are emergency services available to you in Idaho. In addition to local and state departments dedicated to providing general help during storms and other emergency situations, there are private organizations that can provide you with food, shelter, and other services during an emergency. However, not all emergencies are related to large-scale events. Your family could be experiencing financial hardship, leading to a food or shelter emergency. One of the biggest private organizations that can help with food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities is the Western Idaho Community Action Partnership Food Pantry. To learn more about emergency services in Idaho, be sure to check out one of the links below!
Financial Services
Health & Dental
Homeless Services
Household Goods
Legal Services